Springtime with Smirnoff

Spring has officially sprung! With the weather getting warmer, there’s no better time to freshen up your go to cocktails with something new!

Whether you’re enjoying the warm weather and a Smirnoff Ice Raspberry Peach Bellini Pop during a picnic with your beau or sipping on some chilled Smirnoff Seltzer Raspberry Rosé Frosé on a rooftop with your besties, we’ve got you covered. Check out these recipes and let us know what you think!

Raspberry Rosé Frosé (serves 2)



2 cans (24 ounces) Smirnoff Spiked Sparkling Seltzer Raspberry Rosé

12 oz frozen raspberries

1/4 - 1/2 cup (taste test along the way) granulated sugar

.5 oz lemon juice

Lemon peel and slice for garnish


Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into wine glasses and garnish with lemon peel.

Raspberry Peach Bellini Pops (Serves 10)

peach bellini pops.jpg


6 ounces Smirnoff Ice Raspberry

8 ounces fresh peach puree

5 ounces Champagne

8 ounces fresh raspberry puree


Mix peach puree with champagne and pour into the bottom of 8 ice pop molds.  Freeze until solid. Mix raspberry puree with Smirnoff Ice Raspberry and pour on top of the peach layer.  Freeze until solid. Could also make multiple layers. .527 oz alcohol per pop